This Hanna shopping for Shoes maybe.....Love these colors and she is just so cute.....Oh how I love to color.....I used my copic markers......I also used some teal embossing powder.....Love it...
Here is another Hanna set and she is way to cute......You cant really tell but I used glitter on the shoes and the bag.......As an added touch I added the Heidi Swapp flower gem to her hair...Cute
This is Hanna Shopping again......But I think the colors were a little to light......She is still cute though........Hope you like........
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Hanna Stamps
Posted by Krystinah 1 comments
Labels: Cards, Hanna Stamps, Valentines
Friday, January 25, 2008
Jared Lost A Tooth
So I'm not sure if this is "The Many Faces Of Jared" or "I've lost a tooth mom"......He is so funny when I come with the camera......Always trying to do this phony smile.......Then he claims the flash is to bright and he cant keep his eyes open.....So he holds them open......Such a funny boy......The story with the tooth is even funnier right....So he's in the bath and I go to take a shower and I told him I would wash him up when I get out.......I was going to be fast......So I'm in the shower for about three minutes.....Long enough to get the soap in my hair then I hear him calling me crying for me to come in there.......I got scared that he had hurt himself and I jump out of the shower soapy hair and all dripping wet and run in there and he is bleeding from him mouth claiming that his tooth broke.......I was like what.......What did you do....nothing he says.....then he tells me he was trying to open the soap........I guess with his teeth huh.......So out it came......He wasn't hurt but he sure was scared.......Poor baby.........The tooth was already loose so I guess he just helped it along the way........Now he keeps telling everyone he broke his tooth.....It's so funny because soon he front ones will all be gone.....Growing up these boys.....
Posted by Krystinah 0 comments
Labels: Jared
And Jared Stamps!
When Jared was little he would come into my room and play with my little hammer and carefully place all my eyelets and brads in their little containers.......He even had his own stamps and ink pads and that would keep him entertained while I was busy trying to create......Long since then has he wanted to do anything like that......He is older now and much to busy with, friends, playing outside, playing X-Box 360 or wii to want to spend time like that with mommy.....And I know my baby isn't so much baby anymore and that part of him just has grown up.........I knew it would come just like it did with Dominick........So when he came into my craft room the other night and asked where his stamps and markers and pencils were not only was I shocked I was so happy.......That is the little boy I remember that always wanted to be doing what mommy was doing.......So he stamped and colored for awhile and then he was done and on to watching SpongeBob as if that was better than stamping.........But anyway I enjoyed that little bit of time and had to snap a few pictures........Where has my baby gone........I keep repeating this to myself but still have no answer........
Posted by Krystinah 0 comments
Labels: Hanna Stamps, Jared
Monday, January 21, 2008
Hanna Stamps!
So I got my Hanna Stamps in the mail the other day and have been having so much fun stamping her.........She is so great......I have a few more but I'm not completely done yet.......I just love to color what kind of nerd am I........Enjoy
Posted by Krystinah 0 comments
Labels: Cards, Hanna Stamps
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Cards & More Cards!

Posted by Krystinah 0 comments
Labels: Cards, Valentines
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Happy Happy!
I guess I have been MIA you could say......I didn't realize that it had been a whole week since I last posted which should mean I have a whole lot to share right......Hum where to start......First let me say Congratulations Ed & Jen.....Getting married is big huge and a whole lot of work but so totally worth it......My advise would be "Don't sweat the small stuff" & Pick your battles......May you have it all......Much love always.....
As for the boys and I.....we miss daddy and cant wait for him to get home......Dominick came home on Sunday night and it was great to have him home....I sure did miss him.....And since it had been a few weeks without seeing him walking up to get him at the gate I saw this little man with all the style and attitude a 10 year old boy can have.....With the hat tilted to the side (sticker still on it, which I don't think I will ever get) with his skateboard in one hand, pants sagging, backpack over his shoulder wearing some new Jordan's......When did he grow up and turn into this little man.....I now finally understand when people say enjoy them while they are young cause it wont last forever and my response was aways "yea yea".......O.K. I get it........O.K. enough about that.....Jared is getting so good at reading and wanting to read.....He takes the time to sound the words out and wants to read......I'm so happy with his progress.......He is my stubborn child.......Sometimes he can drive me crazy.......He's getting so tall too......Having the boys finally back in school sure has given me more time to work on my stuff.......Fun Fun.......I have completed more layouts in the last week than I have in the last six months probably.....I have also been having fun with all the love stamps and making fun Valentine and thank you cards......Now of course my room is a crazy mess and looks like a tornado hit it.......Which is when I do my best work I think......I will get some pictures taken tomorrow so I can share.......I have also actually been doing house work which is one of my least favorite things of all time......But it has to get done.........I have been staying away from the computer and the phone which is proving that I get more done.......Although I get lonely and just need someone to talk to........So I have just been stamping......The cure for anything right.....I got some really cute new stamps in the mail today so the plan is to get stamping those right away tomorrow.......Well it's late and I need to get to bed........Good night and sweet dreams.........
Posted by Krystinah 0 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Layout of Dominick
Posted by Krystinah 0 comments
Labels: Dominick, Scrapbooking
Advent Calendar
Posted by Krystinah 0 comments
Labels: Christmas, Handmade Gifts
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Another Day!
Well it's Tuesday and that means another busy day..........You know for not having a real paying job I sure seem to be busy everyday.....So much to do and I don't seem to get everything done.....Shocking I know.......I have been completing projects and that always makes me happy I finished a 12x12 layout, my advent calendar, and some cards.......I will take pictures and post them later today.......Jared went back to school yesterday and the house seems so quiet with nobody home.....Dominick comes home on Sunday and I'm ready I miss my boy......He has never been away from us for so long before........He told me yesterday that his missed mom's cooking which always makes me feel good.......Vernon is in San Diego right now doing a school he flew in Sunday night and the weather was so bad they weren't letting planes leave so there wasn't a spot for them to pull into so they had to wait on the plane for about an hour......That would have drove me nuts........And then he and his bags got soaking wet from the rain trying to get out of the airport and checked into his room.......We miss daddy when he is away.......but he has been home for the last four months so I shouldn't complain.......He wont be gone that long just a few weeks........I have been cleaning house.......Fun I know.......Vernon helped me get all the Christmas stuff put away before he left and that was nice.....So the house is starting to get back to normal.......Oh and yesterday I got my orders from Stampin Up!.....Stuff from the new catalog so I am hoping to get sometime today to make some cute cards........Valentines Day is just around the corner.......Well I hear my coffee and hot shower calling me so I will go for now but I will post some pictures later....Love Love.....Have a great day!
Posted by Krystinah 1 comments
Labels: Family
Thursday, January 3, 2008
My Craft Room!
So my Craft room has two ways to enter.....One from the Kitchen and one from near the front door........The picture above is from the kitchen.......
Oh the Stamps....Where did they all come from.....I can actually see the floor......How cool is that

Posted by Krystinah 0 comments
Labels: Craft Room
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!
This was our New Year's Eve........We of course had way to much fun.......It was great to spend the evening eating and drinking with friends......I sure did miss Dominick though.......I will be happy when he gets home.......My first New Years without my baby......O.K. he's 10 but still...
Vernon and me taking pictures as always........Have to love that smile right.....How cute are we.... Got to love the party hats right..........I don't know where Vernon's went but he did have one.....
We had a good night and cant believe it's already 2008.....Vernon had to go to work this morning so we didn't stay up to late.......I am planning to be crafty today will let you know tomorrow how well that went.......So for this year I will try to set a few goals to accomplish:
- Complete more projects
- Exercise more
- Spend less
- Cook more
- Scrapbook more pages
- Talk less on the phone
Well I think that's already a pretty tall order for me so I should stop while I'm ahead right........I have a really bad habit of starting projects and then moving on to something else and never completing what I started so that is my new goal (not to do that).........I am going to name each of the unfinished projects and put them all in a basket and pull one out each week/month and complete it......I have also found that I enjoy making altered items more and more so I will work on actually making more pages..........And if I could just stay off the phone I might actually get more done.........huh I wonder.........Have a great day!
Posted by Krystinah 0 comments
Labels: New Year's